Economic Herald
of State Higher Educational Institution
«Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology»
Article Processing Charges & Sources of Support
This journal does not charge submission charges.
The cost of publication of an article recommended for publication in the journal «Economic Herald of State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology» is 750 UAH (for articles from 10 to 15 pages). The cost of publication of each additional page of the article is 70 UAH per page.
Post-delivery of the Journal to the authors is carried out through the services of Ukrposhta or Nova Poshta at the expense of the recipient. The authors inform about the intention to receive a printed version of the Journal when paying for the publication of the article.
The requisites for payment are sent to the authors after confirmation that the article has been accepted for publication.
The organizational and financial support of the functioning of the Journal is provided by Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.