Economic Herald
of State Higher Educational Institution
«Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology»

Instructions for authors

Instruction for authors consists of list of materials submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal, structure of the Article, requirements to the Article design, and admission schedule.

For publication, the authors submit the following materials to the Editorial Board of the Journal:

  1. Manuscript of the article in two languages (English (original) and translation in Ukrainian (must be sent)). The filename is printed in English and corresponds to the name of the first author, for example, Ivanov_article, Ivanov_translation.
  2. Information about authors (surname, full name and patronymic, position, place of work, academic degree and academic title, service and home telephones, ORCID ID, e-mail and postal address for correspondence). The filename is, for example, Ivanov_information. An example of registration is given in Appendix 1.
  3. Review of the article signed by the Doctor of Economic Sciences (if there is no Doctor among the co-authors) and certified by the Human Resources Department from the place of work (a photocopy or a scanned copy).
  4. Agreement of copyright transfer from authors to publisher (the original or a scanned copy). Is sent if the article has been accepted for publication. The filename is Ivanov_agreement.
  5. A photocopy or a scanned copy of the document for payment of the publication cost. (Is sent after receiving the confirmation that the article has been accepted for publication).

These materials in electronic form should be sent to the Secretary of the Editorial Board Chernysheva Olena Mykhailivna to e-mail:
Postal address of Editorial Office: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, 8, Science av., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine.

The volume of the article must be not less than 10 but not more than 20 pages of text, including tables, figures (4 figures are equivalent to 1 page of text) and references (A4 page format).
Templates of the article and translation are recommended for formatting the work.
The text of the article should be prepared in the format of a text editor Word (97-2003) (with the extension *.doc). Font Times New Roman, 12 pt; line spacing is 1.5. The margins must be 2 cm on each side. The text of the article, the title, and authors must not be distinguished by italic or bold.

Structure of the article
in the original language – for the article, in the language of translation – for the translation of the article
every point starts on a new line

  • UDC index
  • Article code according to JEL Classification;
  • Surnames and initials of authors;
  • Title of the article (the abbreviations must not be included in the title of the article);
  • The full name of the organization(s) where the work was done, indicating the city, country;
  • Annotation to the article and keywords. 1800-2000 symbols with spaces, including keywords. The content of the annotation and keywords must be identical in Ukrainian and English. Annotation should reflect prerequisites, goals, methodology, results, scientific novelty and practical value of the research. The results of research should take up the majority of the annotation. The text should not contain verbatim repetitions of sentences from other sections of the article, interjections, synonyms within one sentence, pleonasms, negative sentences, well-known phenomena, abbreviations. The translation of the text of annotation and article into Ukrainian or English must be professional. Annotations and articles with unprofessional or “machine” translation will not be accepted for consideration. From 5 to 8 keywords or phrases often repeated in the main material and reflect the essence of the study. Keywords are most often used identifiers to search for articles in the relevant scientific direction. Keywords shouldn’t repeat the title of the article, contain the abbreviations, general words and phrases. Well-formed title, annotation and keywords contribute to the increase of the citation rate of the article.
  • The main text of the article should be divided into the following sections: introduction and formulation of problem, analysis and research of publications, purpose of the article, presentation of the main material, conclusions. Every section starts on a new line after its title. The title of section should be printed as a separate line.

Introduction and formulation of the problem
Text. In this section, it is required: to reveal the essence of the scientific problem in general form, its theoretical and (or) practical significance, as well as the connection with important scientific or practical tasks; to prove the relevance of the research and its importance for the further development of the relevant field of economic science (theory or practice).
Analysis and research of publications
Text. To carry out an analysis of the latest research and publications, which offer a solution to the outlined problem, modern views on the problems, difficulties in solving the problem; to single out unsolved parts of the problem to which the article is devoted. It is mandatory to refer to the literary sources under investigation, indicating the source in the list of references. The composition of the sources should be up-to-date and preferably contain articles published in scientific journals and collections of scientific works.
Purpose of the article
Text. The purpose of the article should be derived from the statement of the problem and the analysis of the latest research and publications; it must clearly define the final scientific result, indicate on which scientific premises it is based, what and how it is achieved (with the involvement, in particular, of scientific hypotheses, ideas, phenomena, laws). This section has to reflect the main idea of the publication, which should be significantly different from modern ideas about the problem, complement or deepen already known approaches.
Presentation of the main material
Text. To highlight the main statements and results of the research, personal ideas, opinions, obtained scientific facts, revealed regularities, connections, trends, methods of obtaining and analyzing factual material, the author’s personal contribution to the achievement and implementation of research results.
The time interval of the statistical data provided in the scientific article must end no earlier than 2 years before the moment of submission of the article.
Formulas are inserted directly into text using the Microsoft Equation formula editor with following settings:
Style: bold and italics are not allowed in the characters’ format.
Size: regular – 10 pt; large index – 8 pt; small index – 6 pt; big symbol – 12 pt; small symbol – 10 pt.
The numbering of the formulas in the text of the article is provided by Arabic numerals in round brackets to the right.
Figures should be numbered in a sequence that corresponds to the mention in the text. Signatures to figures (in the format Fig. 1. Dependence …) must be written in the language of the main text of the article.
Color figures will be provided in color in the online version of the article, but will be converted to black and white figures in the print version.
Tables created in the Word text editor must have a serial number (without the number sign) and a name; each table is referenced in the text (in the format of Table 1).
Width of tables, cm: 8.25; 14.5; 17.75; 25.00.
Format of figures and tables: font – Times New Roman, size – 10 pts, alignment – centered; line spacing – single; all deviations and intervals are 0 cm.
If the article contains one figure or one table, they are not numbered.
Under each figure or table, the source from which they were constructed is indicated.
It is not allowed to duplicate in figures and tables of given in the text data and results.
Figures and tables are located in the text after their first mention.
Decimal fractions should be separated by points in English-language version of the article, and by commas – in the Ukrainian-language version.
An example of formatting the figure or table is given in the templates of article and translation.
References to literary sources are made in square brackets with the reference number of the source in the list of references and pages (if available).
Text. The scientific novelty, scientific and practical significance of the research results, prospects for further scientific developments in this direction are noted in the conclusions. The most important research results, containing scientific novelty and having scientific and/or practical significance, are presented in accordance with the set article’s purpose. The conclusions are presented in the form of a synthesis of the scientific information provided in the main part of the article – consistently, clearly, and logically. The scientific novelty of the research results should be characterized by signs of rationality, reasonableness, reliability, logical consistency, compliance with the fundamental principles of science.

  • References are formed according to the order of mentioning the sources in the text of the article. At the end of the citation, the DOI index (if it exists) should be indicated.

Do not use the option “List” for the numbering of sources.
To create a list of references it should be used: for the Ukrainian-language version of the article – DSTU 8302:2015 or APA Style; for the English-language version of the article – only APA Style with transliteration of sources (Cyrillic literary sources are transliterated in Latin letters). The citations to English-language articles are not transliterated. At the end of the source, the language of article is indicated in square brackets (for instance, [in Ukrainian], [in English], [in Polish], [in German], etc.).
Transliteration should be performed according to the ISO Standard (ISO 9:1995). Citations of Ukrainian (or another language) periodicals should also include the corresponding English translation (in square brackets).
If the domestic journal has a parallel English-language title, use the English-language version of the journal’s and article’s titles, surnames and initials of the authors.
Number of sources – from 5 to 15.
The references must include citations (more than 2 citations) to the sources from periodical editions that have been indexed in the leading scientometric databases (Scopus Web Science).
Number of self-citations should be no more than 20% of total number of references.
At least of 2/3 cited sources must have a publication date no earlier than the last 10 years.
The references to unpublished works, textbooks, training manuals, journalistic articles, methodological instructions are not allowed.
All citation references are checked for formatting standards and correspondence to the original source.
To cut the time of consideration of the article by the Editorial Board, authors are recommended to carefully check the correctness of citations before submitting the article to the Editorial Office.

  • Title of the article, surnames and initials of authors, the full name of the organization(s) where the work was done, indicating the city, country, as well as annotation to the article and keywords (the located previously in the article should be excluded). Is indicated only in the file of the article.
  • Information section (is indicated only in the file of the article): title of the article in English, surnames and initials of authors in English, the full name of the organization(s) where the work was done, indicating the city, country in English, email for correspondence, ORCID of all authors, as well as annotation to the article and keywords in English, references by APA style (Appendix 3). Is indicated only in the file of the article. The publication of information section is not paid by authors.

Articles not corresponded these requirements cannot be accepted for consideration!

Appendix 1

Example of registration of the information about authors

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich – Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
Tel. (0562) 33-33-33
Address for correspondence: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, 8, Gagarin av., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine.
Data should be given for all co-authors, postal address and e-mail can be specified only for one author who is in correspondence.

Appendix 2

Example of bibliography
by APA Style

1. Polous, O. (2020). Systemnyi analiz pokaznykiv tsyfrovizatsii Ukrainy [System analysis of digitalization indices of Ukrainian enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi analiz – Economic Analysis, 30 (1, Part 2), 119-124. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
2. Tepliuk, M. (2021). Trendy innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemnytstva maloho biznesu v umovakh tsyfrovoi ekonomiky [Innovative development trends of small business entrepreneurship in the digital economy conditions]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Ekonomichni nauky – Herald of Khmelnytskyi national university. Economic Sciences, 2, 3539. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
3. Sazonets, I., & Voloshyna, D. (2023). Poniattia ekonomichnoho potentsialu ta formuvannia potentsialu turystychnoi haluzi Ukrainy [The concept of economic potential and formation of the potential of the tourist industry of Ukraine]. Efektyvna economika – Efficient economy, 2. Retrieved from DOI: [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
4. Ishchuk, S., & Sozanskyy, L. Porivnialna otsinka importozalezhnosti ukrainskoho mashynobuduvannia u kontaksti suchacnykh vyklykiv [Comparative assessment of Ukrainian mechanical engineering dependence on imports in the context of modern challenges]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk Derzhavnoho vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu “Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi khimiko-teknolohichnyi universytet – Economic Herald of State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 1(15), 132141. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
5. Honcharova, N. P., Shvydanenko, H. O., & Kaparulin I. S. (2012). Tekhnolohii innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva u konteksti instytutsionalizmu [Technologies of the innovative development of enterprise in the context of institutionalism]. Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].
6. Aranchii, V. I. (2022). Formuvannia innovatsiinykh pidkhodiv do upravlinnia liudskymy resursamy orhanizatsii [Formaion of iinovative approaches to the management of organization human resources]. Proceedings from Management of XXI century: globalization challenges ’22: VI Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia “Menedzhment XXI stolittia: hlobalizatsiini vyklyky” – The Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of XXI century: globalization challenges”. (pp. 35). Poltava: PDAU [in Ukrainian].
7. Zhou, Z., Liu, W., Cheng, P., & Li, Z. (2022). The Impact of the Digital Economy on Enterprise Sustainable Development and Its Spatial-Temporal Evolution: An EmPIDical Analysis Based on Urban Panel Data in China. Sustainability, 14 (19), 11948. DOI: [in English].

Appendix 3

An example of the information section
Title of the article (in English)
Author1a, Author2a, Author3a*, Author4b, Author5c (in English)
a Full  name of the University a, city, country (in English)
b Full  name of the University b, city, country (in English)
c Full  name of the University c, city, country (in English)
*email: (email for correspondence)
Author1 ORCID:
Author2 ORCID:
Author3 ORCID:
Author4 ORCID:
Text of annotation in English. (Identical to the text at the beginning at the article)
Keywords: keyword1, keyword 2, keyword 3, …. keyword 8 (in English).

1. Polous, O. (2020). Systemnyi analiz pokaznykiv tsyfrovizatsii Ukrainy [System analysis of digitalization indices of Ukrainian enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi analiz – Economic Analysis, 30 (1, Part 2), 119-124. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
2. Tepliuk, M. (2021). Trendy innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemnytstva maloho biznesu v umovakh tsyfrovoi ekonomiky [Innovative development trends of small business entrepreneurship in the digital economy conditions]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Ekonomichni nauky – Herald of Khmelnytskyi national university. Economic Sciences, 2, 3539. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
3. Sazonets, I., & Voloshyna, D. (2023). Poniattia ekonomichnoho potentsialu ta formuvannia potentsialu turystychnoi haluzi Ukrainy [The concept of economic potential and formation of the potential of the tourist industry of Ukraine]. Efektyvna economika – Efficient economy, 2. Retrieved from DOI: [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
4. Ishchuk, S., & Sozanskyy, L. Porivnialna otsinka importozalezhnosti ukrainskoho mashynobuduvannia u kontaksti suchacnykh vyklykiv [Comparative assessment of Ukrainian mechanical engineering dependence on imports in the context of modern challenges]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk Derzhavnoho vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu “Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi khimiko-teknolohichnyi universytet – Economic Herald of State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 1(15), 132141. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
5. Honcharova, N. P., Shvydanenko, H. O., & Kaparulin I. S. (2012). Tekhnolohii innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva u konteksti instytutsionalizmu [Technologies of the innovative development of enterprise in the context of institutionalism]. Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
6. Aranchii, V. I. (2022). Formuvannia innovatsiinykh pidkhodiv do upravlinnia liudskymy resursamy orhanizatsii [Formaion of iinovative approaches to the management of organization human resources]. Proceedings from Management of XXI century: globalization challenges ’22: VI Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia “Menedzhment XXI stolittia: hlobalizatsiini vyklyky” – The Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management of XXI century: globalization challenges”. (pp. 35). Poltava: PDAU [in Ukrainian]. (an example by APA Style)
7. Zhou, Z., Liu, W., Cheng, P., & Li, Z. (2022). The Impact of the Digital Economy on Enterprise Sustainable Development and Its Spatial-Temporal Evolution: An EmPIDical Analysis Based on Urban Panel Data in China. Sustainability, 14 (19), 11948. DOI: [in English]. (an example by APA Style)

Admission Schedule:
№1 – until April 10;
№2 – until October 10.